Tuesday 23 February 2010

Understandable? No.

This is ridiculous. I'm currently feeling completely and utterly depressed. The reason? I'm on episode 2 of the third season of Kyle XY and I know that it ends episode 10 and most things never get resolved due to it's cancellation.
 I can't believe I'm feeling like this. All I want to do is cry. Ha! I think I can blame this on the fact that I've watched over 30 hours of Kyle XY in the last few days and therefore thoughts of it have completely taken over my brain. It's provided a welcome distraction from the thoughts of the upcoming exams and now
1. I'm nearly at what I know (from other's testimony) is the worst ending for a series EVER, and I love Kyle, and the way Matt Dallas portrays him. I also love all the other characters and the individual story lines.
2. I soon have to face the horrible amount of work that is building up whilst I waste time watching online TV.
3. I won't have something I care about like this again for quite some time.
 Damn it. I hate my obsessive personality. I get these really intense obsessions with things and they make me so happy for a while but I get this overwhelming sense of loss every time they end. This one being worse because I know it won't even be a satisfying ending.
This sounds pathetic but I had to write out my feelings.
Also my emotions have probably been amplified by the fact that I've been staying up WAY past midnight the last couple days to watch more episodes, and then waking up at 7am for school (as in right now I feel like it's 4am the morning but its actually 8pm). Followed by hours of boredom, tiredness and loneliness as at the moment I don't have anybody that I really want to be around. And none of them want to hear about my current obsessions. Ever. So it means I feel alone. <--- Oh my god listen to me. I'm such a twat. Shutting up now.

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